• Saints Church is a Baptist Church. That means that we are an independent church with our own governing structure. We are Reformed in doctrine and Baptist in tradition. To further the Great Commission, we voluntarily affiliate with the Southern Baptist Convention. Cooperating enables us to educate and equip pastors and to support global missionaries.

  • Our primary purpose is to be a gathering of believers in Jesus Christ who worship Him through hymns, Scripture reading, Scripture teaching, and participation in the sacraments (1 Col 11:17-34; Col. 3:16). We always welcome guests and their families. Our services generally run for around an hour and fifteen minutes.

  • At Saints, we value worshipping as a family and teaching children to be active participants in the local body. We offer childcare for children under 4 during the sermon. Children 4 and older are invited to join us in our service. We have coloring pages, crayons, and snacks for kids joining us in service.

  • At Saints Church, we are reverent in posture and casual in dress. Guests can dress at their comfort level.